Monday, December 27, 2010

Selonggok memori

Yosh!jom update blog XD memandangkan dah bkurun aku tinggal blog ni (hajat ati nk slalu update tp pmalaih nor aku nih..asek karang blog dlm atie ja..kan bagus kalo ade pengtranslate ape kita karang dlm hati trus naik ke atas skrin..then edit je mana yg patut didelete *wink2)
Until now xketorah lagi bak kata org utara atau xketahuan lg blog ni nk cte ape so aku keep this as daily journal or diary la ek..kalo xmau baca xyhla baca..haha

So hari tu ayah aku tanya "nk pg mana?ayah cuti"..kalo ikutkan dlm atie nk je jawab "g obersea leh?" lol..ok,aku xsekaya org2 kaya Malaysia yg mampu wt aku jeles ngan gamba2 bcuti obersea diorg but bnda cmnie la yg mengajar aku erti bersyukur (aku ni ske sgt xpuas atie dgn idup aku,nk cte ke x ek sal nih?huhu..jpgi la pk)
Kalo tgk album fesbuk aku mmg full la album cuti2 Malaysia kali ni entry aku nk mempersembahkan...jeng3 KELLIES CASTLE

ok,Kellies Castle situated kat Batu Gajah, Perak. At first plan aku nk g Maxwell Hill..siap kitorg da tdo smalam kat Taiping..unfortunately pas checkout pun da pukul 12, sesampai je kaki Bukit Larut tu ayah aku pg la tnya kat dlm pejabat tu..diorg ckp da xboleh naik sbb xcukup jip nk turun nnt (kat sana xboleh naik ngan kete sendiri,kena naik ngan jip yg diorg sediakan)..aku ni pun dlm hati sdey je..isk3 baru plan nk berphotoshoot kat sana

pakcik google punya gambaq 
dgn hati yg duka aku pun senyap je dlm kete..pastu ayah aku bwk pg mkn mee udang kat Kuala Sepetang..sedap ke x? erk..xtau nk kata sbb mee sup bkn my peberet..then muak mkn udang..adela 7ekor udang besau2 dlm tu..rege die smangkok RM11..huhuhu

Jauhnye kronologi aku melalut..bila nk sampai Kellies castle nih...hahaha..ok2 Then kitorg pun btolak ke Batu Gajah..sbb utama terpikir nk singgah sini sbb time aku belek2 album lama aku dulu(stat dh melalut balik) aku nmpk ade gmba cm ala2 oversea lk,bila tnya ayah aku die kata tu gamba time kat Keliies smpaila jugak aku ke tempat aku mai kecik2 dulu =p

kellies castle ala2 Hogwarts gtu lol
kat sini aku xrajin nk cte history die tp alang2 korang dah buka tenet ni korang baca la sndiri kat sini
dalam bangunan tu mmg ade aura seram tapi kan lawa sgt(kalo aku kawen nk photoshoot kat sini r )..nk masuk kena byr tiket kalo student RM3 kalo adult RM4 kot...kot..sori lupa..OTL
okeh,enuf bebel..jom layan gmba

tempat yg legend there is apparation of Mr.Kellies blegar2 (rojak tol)

kalo korang ada spotted anything dlm gamba ni gtaula ek..kita wt rancangan seekers XD
kebetulan hari kami p tu hari khamis..then mlm tu adela grup ala2 seekers; Soulhunterz from Singapore datang time kul 6pm..time tmpat tu nk tutup dah..tataula pe diorg jumpa..huhu

till then,daa~

p/s:mlsnye nk balik UTM T^T

Friday, December 10, 2010


So akhirnya aku decide utk guna BM sebagai bahasa perantara (ceh,mcm men bomoh2 lak) dalam blog ni.. Kenapa? supaya aku dapat berloyar buruk dengan lebih fluent..hahaha (adeke cmtu lk) =_= ...rasanya ikut mood la BM jp BI..mungkin sok lusa kuar bahse Jepun lk sape tau kan..ahaha..(merapu sensorang~)

Cuti sem..erghh..sbb aku da jnji dlm 1st blog aku xnk meroyan dlm blog ni utk mngelakkan org nyampah nk baca so aku letak point jela..cuti kali ni seems boring n mnyakitkan hati sbb:

  • xpegi mana2 (perlis sgt mmbosankn ok..fastfud yg ade kfc ngan pizza...mcD xde! even secret recipe bru nek hr tu pun nk kecoh)
  • dapat result exam..benci!
anyway hr tu adela pg singgah Hadyai kejap jln2 cuti-cuti Thailand..ahha...dgr mak aku cte pas kjadian banjir hr tu batu ikan duyung kt Songhkla tu dah xde..wooo..ombak kuat punya pasal..xleh nk byg kn bnda tu dah bape kurun kat situ ttbe da xde. (Warning dr Yang Maha Berkuasa tu...)..adik aku kate pas banjir kedua nnt ttbe ade tugu ikan duyung laki lk..lolz..tukar shift ke hape

Hadyai mendung syok gk sbenonye sbb sejuk sikit nk soping..lalalala~ slalunye panas cm dlm oven  >.<
Patut ke aku list mnde aku soping? public is public blog aku nih...xde arah tuju lagi blog nih..
Jom enjoy gambo ah...layanzz~

view from our room...see bertapa mendungnye cuaca?
aku bli spek nerd nih..dah lama tringin pastu stat la berpoyo ngan adik aku

~0-0~ hahaha
and lastly aku nk share gambo epic yg diambil oleh adik aku time kat umah hr tu...tadaahh!!!!presenting my shameless cat!
gmbaq ni leh digunakan sebagai pengubat luka di hati sbb pas tgk sumpah aku rasa nk gelak guling2
ok..habeh dah mngarut..till then.chow~

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lets update shall we?

The final examination already finished with..err...half successfully? and now im staying in my college to get a revenge on freedom to spend time with free internet...muahaha XD enjoy made me nervous..why? coz im too excited till dunno which one to do first..LOL
so what i did : khada sleep , draw, draw, window shopping (omg, the latest shawl! *drooling) , and yeah u r rite..i went for a shopping and get me a shawl =p
On the other note, while surfing through youtube to find new tutorial for hijab..i came across lots of anti-islam video..oh my,that really made me sad instantly..Furthermore that person camouflage under the name of malaysian citizen by creating a fake account while admitting that he/she is a zionist and make enemy with any Muslims who try to debate his wrongdoing...* i wish that world would become more peaceful place to live T^T
to cheer me up,im gonna draw more and moar =3

im procrastinating my unfinished drawing until last night:

the bg should be transparent...
tool: paint tool SAI
p/s: i miss home already

Friday, November 26, 2010

First post..lame title is lame...

Salam and hi to those who visit, apparently no one will read this..but erm.. maybe some alien from Mars will come drop by to learn this weirdos..who know? >3>
Since im in dilemma and took about 5hours after creating the blog just to think what i should write and who gonna read, and what language should i use..>_< Try to make it universal enough for everyone to read so i will use English instead ..or maybe sometimes BM or rojak..
To avoid killing someone unintentionally, i would give the first warnings that MY GRAMMAR IS HORRIBLE and IM A

What will you find in this weirdos blog?

  • drawings of course
  • personal opinion of anything
  • i will try to avoid ranting..i'll try ok?
  • any review perhaps?coz im a shopaholics
  • erm..basically 3rd point already failed to promise u anything since the 2nd point is mostly means that im going to rant..XD but not that kind of geez-i-hate-that-fella-yada2 lolz
i have so many things to write but save that for screwing my time,its already 3am rite now OTL
so, JANE~

xoxo- <<--im a geek,idk what it means actually (is it lots of kissu?)